Saturday, August 4, 2012

You Will Get Better...

By: Angela Mayah Solstice

When initially changing myself I thought I was on a mission to a certain level or proximity in life where I would “arrive” and successfully have executed life. Not where I want to be but a long way from where I came from, I have discovered that life is a journey. As cliché as it sounds it is true, life did not stop happening to me just because I had changed my life. Yes there has been Angel visions, revelations, grace, and wonderful relationships brought into my life. Yet still I am faced with circumstances and people who are challenging and allow me to see how much I have grown. They are not such frequent visitors in my life as in the past but they do come and I realize that they always will. There was a time when I was solely motivated by these people and circumstances. I was almost conditioned to take action in my life because of crisis, abuse, and abandonment. Yet it was, and still is my goal to get far removed from these situations. Meaning I do not want to be moved by circumstance, I want to be motivated by my own destiny, power, and God driven purpose for my life. There is a saying that goes, “let your haters be your motivators.” This is fine; if it gets you off the couch and into the game of life, go! But eventually you even out grow your enemies. Hopefully, possessing a spiritual awakening that even they had a divine purpose in your life. Soon life circumstances that seemed to plague you disappear as you take back power and control over your life. You can and will get better and life will not be so hard. Until then it is all one day at a time--xo

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