Monday, May 29, 2017

Soul Food

"Don't pack whatever is easiest or most available into the emptiness. Hold out for the right medicine. You will recognize it because it makes your life stronger rather than weaker."
~Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes 

By: Angela Mayah Solstice

What an amazing time to be alive and to watch the world as it is today. Obama was quoted saying in reference to the Manchester Bombing, “The world is a very complicated place.” It really is. So many advances in our world, yet hardcore realities don’t seem to change. How to make peace with some of those realities can become a journey in itself. 

I believe we can find solace wherever we see our truth reflected back to us. Our truth in what we feel in our hearts, and how we perceive ourselves... Our truth in what we’ve experienced and seen in the world. I am very grateful for the people, be they world renowned to a childhood friend, who have lived out dreams, spoken truths and showed up in this world sharing all of their gifts and talents. It has in one way or another,  given me the hope, strength, and courage to move forward.

Finding inspiration in a harsh world with all of its injustices can be life changing. Sometimes all it takes is an intention to find answers to what is bothering you or understanding more of your history and where you came from. I believe once you know more about who you are, you can begin to understand your purpose here on Earth. For example, I learned through overhearing and reading the biographies of people I looked up to, that most great writers are really good readers. Soon I was able to put together that my love for reading and writing was my gift to share with others. On my own I would not have thought to put the two together, I just enjoyed reading and did not think to associate it with much else.

Even if you have already identified your gifts and talents, there is always so much more to learn. Finding inspiration and connecting with others who have traveled the path you find yourself on can bring forth new ideas and ignite your passions to new levels.

I am most inspired when I am around my tribe.

So my best advice to anyone searching for more inspiration is to go and find them!

Recommended Exercises:

Plan an event! (I.e.: A house party, family get-to-together/reunion, work party, business promotional event)

Reading Recommendations (Click on links & colored titles for more info):

The Courage To Change by: Angela Mayah Solstice
Sacred Contracts by: Carolyn Myss
The Shack by: Wm. Paul Young
The Portable Malcolm X Reader by: Manning Marable & Garrett Felber
The Fire Next Time by: James Baldwin
Anatomy of the Spirit by: Carolyn Myss
The Outliers by: Malcolm Gladwell
Between The World & Me by : Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Red Tent by: Anita Diamant
Woman Who Runs With Wolves by: Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother by: James McBride
Buck: A Memoir by: M.K. Asante

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Down In The D

By: Angela Mayah Solstice

“Managing an inner life which knows a great love and an outer life which can be anything but loving is a bridge too far for many.” 
~Dr. Bruce Davis

I have been down before, way down. I still managed to keep my day to day going, pay my bills, and even maneuver around life’s crisis with all of the composure in the world. Yet none of this could mask the pain and anxiety I often felt in my alone time. The constant worry I was experiencing would create a lack of motivation in my life. As each new idea came to mind that could bring forth change or a solution for me, I would become overwhelmed with the execution of it all, literally putting the devil in the details. We are faced with decisions every waking moment of our lives, learning to manage life’s stresses is a journey in itself. To somehow find yourself in a vulnerable or hopeless place is not uncommon, I would almost dare to say it is normal and occurs for a lot of people.

Studies have shown that exercise and exposure to sunlight can reduce the symptoms of depression more effectively than taking prescribed medication. I personally find music, reading, or writing as an escape. Taking time for self-reflection, getting organized and putting “First Things First” helps as well. We cannot always be everything to everybody, but you are always with yourself, try and be kind!

Recommended Exercises:

1.      At least 1 x per week take yourself out on a “creative date”. This is can be anywhere that ignites your creative side. (i.e. record store, art gallery, beach, nature trail, specialty grocery store, garden, festival, favorite spots) *This idea comes from a great book called The Artist Way; it’s an awesome read for anyone also needing creative motivation to finish a project and/or reconnect to their art.

2.      Make a self-care list you can look to whenever you’re feeling down or stuck, and then pick something on the list to do immediately! (I.e. hot shower, bath, walk, journal, take a drive, workout, read, call a supportive friend, etc.)

Reading Recommendations (Click on links & colored titles for more info):
3.      The Courage To Change by: Angela Mayah Solstice
4.      The Artist Way by: Julia Cameron
5.      You Can Heal Your Life by: Louise Hay
6.      21-Day Consciousness Cleanse by: Debbie Ford
7.      Anatomy of The Spirit by: Caroline Myss
8.      The War of Art by: Steven Pressfield
10.   My Single Mom Life by: Angela Thomas
11.   A Woman’s Worth by: Marianne Williamson
12.   The Writings of Florence Scovel Shinn by: Florence Scovel Shinn

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