By: Verina Zonise
There are many beliefs out there about what happens when a person dies. Conversations about Heaven and Hell, Purgatories, Reincarnations, Angels, or end of time scenarios are some reoccurring themes. Yet what we don’t talk about enough is the kind
of death that occurs after an extremely stressful life situation. Most common
among these are job loss, losing a partner, becoming a mother, homelessness, and
I have experienced almost all of these and went through different kinds of grieving processes. I denied, I got
extremely angry, I bargained, I went through slight depression, and finally
acceptance. But after all of that I began to ask myself, what was left of me? Who was I? And how do I start
to live again?
One of my favorite people who I share a special connection with said
to me "everybody dies but not everybody lives" and that is so
true. I feel like people are expected to be resilient and just bounce back
from when something bad happens in their life, and never talk about the sort of death they go through, along with no idea about how to live again. Here are just a few ideas to help you along the way:
1 . Vacation!!!!! Research
has shown that people are just happier when they take a vacation. You can relax
and let go some of that built up stress and anxiety. After your mind resets you
get increased mental power. You lower your chance for burn out and most importantly, gain a new perspective on everything in your life. (Need to vacation sooner?
Ask me how)
2 . Self Care. When you put
yourself first you can then take care of others. Pick your favorite self
care activities when you need to recharge. In the beginning you may need a
routine. Baths, reading and writing are still some of my favorites. (Ask
me about my amazing luxurious bath oil I created for my special bath
3 . Get to know you. Really
find out who you are, what you like, more importantly what you don’t like, what
you want to do and accomplish. Find out who you want to become. Once you figure it
out stay authentic and true to yourself.
The best thing about life after death is that you can finally create
the life you always wanted. But most importantly surround yourself with your love tribe, joy, and
light. I was completely lost when first learning how to do all of this and seriously thinking
I would never figure out this thing we call life. I didn’t think that I
would be able to live again and now I make a living, living. Everything is
not perfect, it still gets hard, I still cry, I still get confused, but the one
thing that comforts me the most is knowing that I survived it before and I always will!