Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Angels & Intuition Telephone Conference!

I believe a huge shift is happening in the Universe right now. Many are being called into action to change their life so they can move into their divine mission. No matter your place in life right now I hope you will join the call and hear my message on Angels & Intuition. 
I will conclude with a Q & A session where each participant may ask a general or specific question/problem and I will provide a guided and channeled message in return. Do not miss out, I believe your life will never be the same! Join me this Friday, March 30th 9 P.M. EST.  Call in # 626.677.3000 Access Code: 6638645. I invite all of you who are simply curious or well on their spiritual journey to call-in and hear a special message from God & the Angels to you :-)  Please click on the paypal link below . I hope to hear from you soon! 

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Thank you for visiting!

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